Stepping in gum isn’t the best experience. It’s sticky and in addition to being covered in someone else’s saliva, it picks up dirt, debris, and everything else as you walk along. Fortunately, it isn’t that hard to get it off. Here are some tips and guidelines on how to get gum off a shoe.
Getting Gum Off a Shoe By Freezing the Gum
When gum freezes, it becomes solid and loses a lot of its stickiness. This makes it easier to get off your shoe. Here are two methods that you can use to remove gum from the bottom of your shoe with ice.
Freezing the Gum Directly
One way to remove the gum is by freezing it directly. Put a few ice cubes inside of a sealed Ziploc bag. Then, press the ice cube down into the gum firmly. You’ll need to hold it until the gum freezes completely. It can take a little bit of time, so be patient!

Once the gum has frozen solid, take a putty knife or butter knife and scrape the gum off the bottom of the shoe. Be careful not to cut yourself. You’ll also want to be sure that you go with the grooves instead of against them so you don’t damage the tread of your shoe.
Freezing the Shoe
If you don’t want to hold the ice to the gum, you can also put the shoe in the freezer. Start by taking a plastic bag and pressing it down into the gum. You want it to stick very well to the bag.
Then, put the shoe inside the freezer. You’ll need to keep it in there until it’s solid, so it can take a little time. The gum will freeze solid to the bag. Then, you can pull the shoe away from the bag and the gum should stick to the bag instead.
How to Get Gum Off Shoe with Oil
There are also methods that use oil to remove the gum. When gum becomes more oily, it reduces its stickiness and makes it easier to get off your shoe. Something to note, however, is that oil might stain suede or leather shoes. It’s best to exercise caution when using these methods so you only get the product on the gum and the sole of your shoe.
Removing Gum from a Shoe Using Peanut Butter
Many people have peanut butter in their pantry, so this is another method that’s really easy to do with something you probably already have around the house. It also works with olive oil! You’ll want to apply around 2 tablespoons of peanut butter to the gum, so you have a nice, thick layer. Then, you’ll want to let it sit for about 10 minutes so the oil can penetrate the gum.

Next, use a wire brush or scoring pad to scrub at the peanut butter and gum. Keep in mind that you want to move the brush in the same direction as the tread. This prevents any damages.

Removing Gum from a Shoe with WD-40
WD-40 is something you might have around the house. If not, you can likely pick it up at your local corner store. It’s used for a lot of things around the house, including fixing squeaky hinges, loosening bolts, and more. It can also be used to get chewing gum off your shoe.
Spray the WD-40 on the gum, being careful to keep it on the sole of the shoes. Give it at least a minute or two to set, since this helps loosen the gum’s bond to the shoe. Then, use a cloth or paper towel to wipe away the gum. If it doesn’t come away easily, take off what you can and reapply.
You’ll also want to clean the bottom of your shoe to remove any leftover residue once you’re finished.
Getting Gum Off a Shoe by Dissolving it
Dissolving the chewing gum is another method you can use. However, the substances that can be used to dissolve gum are harsh and may damage shoes. It’s best to use this in an isolated area. You should also avoid getting any of the fluids on the upper part of your shoe.
The most effective substances for dissolving gum are acetone-based nail polish remover or lighter fluid. Since both of these have high fumes, you’ll want to use them in a well-ventilated area. You’ll also want to use them away from any heat or fire since they are very flammable.
Use a cloth and soak it in the substance of your choice. Then, rub it on the gum until it disappears. It should melt away in front of your eyes.
How to Get Gum Off Shoe Outside
Stepping in gum is something that rarely happens when it’s convenient. If you step in gum outdoors, you can use some loose sand and a stick to get the gum free. This works best when the gum is fresh and still sticky.
Stick the gum in the dirt, which will take away from some of it’s stickiness. You can coat it using your fingers, or you can just step in some sand and use your weight to press it down into the shoe.
Then, you’re going to use the stick to pry the gum out of the tread of the shoe. This method takes a little longer than some of the others. However, it’s worth it to get the gum off before it really sets in there.
Final Word
While stepping in chewing gum can be an inconvenience, there’s a lot of methods you can use to remove the gum without damaging your shoe. If you notice while it’s fresh, you can use dirt and a stick to remove it while you’re still outside. If it’s really stuck, you can use oil to loosen it, ice to get it hard enough to chip away, or solvents to dissolve the gum. With all these methods, you’re sure to have the gum off the sole of your shoe in no time at all.

Samantha is a part-time writer and stay-at-home mom of two boys (and three pets). With all the outdoor activities the family participates in and two growing boys, shoes are something she’s very familiar with.